At the end of 2020, we shared a questionnaire in which we asked for feedback on our services and our response to the pandemic.  We received a great response and got some very positive feedback.

  • Overall 97% respondents were either satisfied or very satisfied with our housing management and repairs services. Out of 720 responses, we received 4 expressions of dissatisfaction which were all responded to directly.
  • We received only 1 expression of dissatisfaction from 350 responses relating to our white goods repairs and replacement service.
  • 91% of respondents were either satisfied or very satisfied with our grounds maintenance service. Where people did not score highly, it was mainly in response to a lack of communication around visits. This is something we pledge to improve.
  • We received lots of positive feedback (and no negative feedback!) about our response to the Covid-19 pandemic, which has included weekly welfare calls to properties and adjustments to our services to reflect government guidance.

All respondents who sent their completed surveys to us were entered into a raffle for a voucher for something for their home. One of properties in West Lancashire won this year’s raffle and so we have made a donation to help them put on weekly disco nights in their home! We thought this was a great idea!

A huge thanks to all those who responded to the survey. We value your feedback and will use it to make improvements to our services.

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