In February 2022 we sent out questionnaires to all our Support Provider partners and, more importantly, our tenants to gain valuable feedback about our services.

We had a truly wonderful response and want to say thank you for taking the time to reply. We value your feedback (positive or negative) as this allows us to make changes to improve Care.

We received 78 responses from tenants. Surveys have been completed by tenants, with support from family members and/or support staff where needed. We asked tenants to respond to each question with ‘yes’, ‘sometimes’ or ‘no’ then offered them the chance to comment.

To summarise:

  • 86% of our tenants said they were happy where they lived, 9% said sometimes and only 5% said no.  One comment read ‘It’s a great place to live’.
  • When asked about problems with where they live, the majority of respondents said they did not have problems but 12 respondents indicated there are problems so we are responding to all actionable comments such as ‘the underfloor heating takes too long to heat up’.
  • Only 1 response indicated that the tenant was not happy with help from their housing officer and most comments were very complimentary. Two tenant comments: ‘Definitely.  I love her.  She always sorts my problems.’ and ‘We have met Jonathan Slater who has been very helpful’.
  • Our repairs service gained a wonderful response with 85% being happy with the service, 10% saying sometimes and only 5% saying no. We can work to improve this further and are in the process of sourcing additional repairs contractors as well as trialling a new out of hours phone service – the aim is a smoother process for customers and improved timescales.
  • Noise came up as an issue for a small number of tenants and in response to multiple questions so our housing officers are investigating the type of noise referred to and if it is something in our control to improve.
  • A further area for improvement is ensuring all tenants and those who support them know who to contact if they have a complaint as 29% of responses to this question indicated tenants are not sure. We have created this information sheet, and a version stating the relevant housing officer and their contact details will be shared with each household. Our full complaints policy is always available on our website (link here).
  • 8 respondents stated that they are interested in getting involved in Care’s Tenants’ Group and a further 8 left their name. This is hopefully a great opportunity for those tenants and for Care to gain further tenant input. Those who expressed an interest will be contacted to learn more about the group and how to join.

In terms of the 41 responses from Support Providers:

  • 100% were either very satisfied or satisfied with our housing management services!
  • 97% were very satisfied or satisfied with our understanding of tenants needs.
  • 95% were very satisfied or satisfied with how we deal with housing issues.
  • The frequency of housing officer visits was very positive with all returns happy, apart from 1 who would like more frequent visits.
  • 98% of responses were satisfied or very satisfied with the ease of reporting repairs.
  • 5% were dissatisfied with the time taken to complete repairs.
  • 94% were satisfied or very satisfied with the ease by which they could report white goods repairs and 100% were happy with the attitude and communication they received about this service.
  • Unfortunately, only 81% said that the white goods service demonstrates an understanding of tenants.  This is something we can work on!
  • Responses regarding grounds and garden maintenance indicate an excellent service!

The tenants who responded were all put into a draw to win a £50 gift voucher of their choice – congratulations to the lady from a property in Bolsover who won the random draw! We’re waiting to hear what she spends her voucher on!

We received lots of comments about our services which are greatly appreciated. Our team is busy responding to any negative comments, or those with questions about our services.

Again, a huge thanks for your continued support and let’s look forward to a brighter 2022 together.

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